Dusendusen Knit Throw
252,000 KRW 360,000 KRW

In 2010, designer Ellen Van Dusen launched Dusen Dusen, a womenswear line known for its bold, original prints on versatile, wearable silhouettes. Each season, the Dusen Dusen collection is developed and inspired by fine art, commercial and naïve design, as well as the brain's reaction to color, movement, and contrast. In 2015, the brand expanded with the launch of Dusen Dusen Home, a textile and home goods line that includes bedding, throws, pillows, and towels. Ellen Van Dusen was born and raised in Washington, DC and currently resides in Brooklyn, NY with her dog, Snips.

 © 주식회사 그레이맨션 CEO  YONGSEOK KIM ㅣ Personal Info Manager  YONGSEOK KIM l  Address  19-13, Samcheong-ro 7-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea ㅣ 고객센터  0507-1350-2138 (운영시간 : 월~금 10:00~18:00, 점심시간 12:00~13:00 ※주말 및 공휴일 휴무) ㅣ SNS  @grey.mansion  E.Mail  info@greymansion.co.kr Biz License  493-81-02586 ㅣ 통신판매업신고번호  제 2024-서울종로-1236 호